Université inter-âges

Inter-Age University

Plasmas for all and at all age

The principle of the Inter-Age University of Sorbonne University, which consists of offering cycles of 10 conferences on different themes and disciplinary fields accessible to all and regardless of age or level of study, resonates with our philosophy.


Inter-Age University

Since 2020, the PLAS@PAR teams have been happy to participate with the program entitled “Journey to the heart of the 4th state of matter: plasma”. The cycle was unfortunately interrupted due to the health context. The conferences will resume in 2021 for those registered for the 2020 session; the program remains the same, it will follow the continuation of what was already introduced during the first sessions. The dates will be specified later.

Dates and place
TUESDAY | 14:00 | Campus Pierre et Marie Curie

Plasma, or ionized matter, makes up over 99% of the visible matter in the Universe. Studied in the laboratory or observed in its natural environment (aurora borealis, stars, sun, lightning), plasma is also part of our daily life (integrated circuits, lighting). Current research also makes it possible to envisage applications in the fields of health, the environment or energy production.

1. What is plasma? Basic definition and process (1). (Mr. PRIGENT)
2. What is plasma? Basic definition and process (2). (Mr PRIGENT).
3. The sun and the earth, a unique relationship. (Mrs REZEAU).
4. Plasma: stars, galaxies and astrophysical objects. (Mrs REZEAU).
5. Fusion, the inexhaustible energy of tomorrow? (Mrs REZEAU).
6. Laser technology and laser-matter interaction. (Mr PRIGENT).
7. New generations of plasma particle accelerators. (Mr PRIGENT).
8. How plasmas have revolutionized society and industry. (Mr DUFOUR).
9. Plasma medicine: multidisciplinary research towards innovative therapies. (Mr DUFOUR).
10. Plasmas: a promise for meeting the environmental challenges of tomorrow. (Mr DUFOUR).

The speakers
• Mr. Thierry DUFOUR (Lecturer, Laboratory of Plasma Physics - cold plasmas)
• Mr. Christophe PRIGENT (Senior Lecturer, Institut des NanoSciences de Paris)
• Mrs. Laurence REZEAU (Professor, Laboratory of Plasma Physics - space plasmas)

Are you registered and taking this course? Go to the Moodle platform here and ask the teacher for your password during the next session or contact us.

The first sessions in pictures

Université inter-âges
Machine de Wimshurst
Université inter-âges
Université inter-âges